Bald Eagle – Morning Glory

This pose represents an Eagle preparing to take flight. Just before launching off a perch, a bird will stoop downward in order to better propel itself upward and forward.  Upon closer inspection one can notice the multiple colors used to simulate the warm illumination and the transition to the cooler colors on the shaded side of the bird. 



Morning Glory

This Bald Eagle it titled “Morning Glory” because of the unique painting that includes both the warm morning glow  on the left side of the bird and the cool shaded right side.  Most carved sculptures are painted in away that does not include the dramatic lighting as seen in a natural environment.  This piece is carved from Tupelo wood and painted in oils. 

Until you try and paint a sculpture with both light and shadow, you won’t really appreciate the color differences.

Welcome to the dark side.

Warm morning light.

The warm morning sunlight illuminates the bird’s left side while the Right side is in the shade.

Rear view of the Morning Glory Sculpture